coffee vs. thyroid medication

The dilemma for many of those who have to take medication every morning to treat hypothyroidism is when to take it, before or after our morning coffee. Since thyroid medication must be taken on an empty stomach, it’s best to take it first thing when you wake up. As for when to reach for that cup of joe, it can vary by individual. According to this article, studies show that it’s best to wait at least one hour after taking levothyroxine (Synthroid, Levoxyl, Levothroid, Unithroid) to drink your coffee. If you drink it within that hour, absorption of the thyroid medication can be reduced anywhere from 25% to 57%. So now that you know, you can plan your morning routine accordingly.

make your own healthy soda

A couple of months ago, my sister and I stopped by Williams Sonoma at Stanford Shopping Center and tasted this all natural soda they brewed up to demonstrate the pricy but amazing Hurom Slow Juicer and SodaStream soda maker. The only ingredients you need to make this delicious fruity, fizzy drink are: green apple, ginger, lemon, and water. Use the soda maker to turn tap or filtered water into sparkling water with your preferred amount of fizz, and then throw the other ingredients in your juicer. Mix and combine the output in a glass and serve.

Getting ready for Vegas

Babe has been trying to lose weight to get ready for EDC and his brother’s bachelor’s party in Vegas. He said he’s been going low carb these last few weeks, but he hasn’t shed a single pound. He said his pants feel looser though, so that’s good!

His friend has also been dieting and working out. Is it only guys who feel they have to “get ready for Vegas” or do ladies do it too? Is it any cause for concern? Even if he really did get “Vegas ready,” it would all be discounted by the fact that he plans to eat GOOD while he’s out there… Yesterday, his friend texted him a picture of the buffet flyer! 🙂

Boot camp update

I got into a car accident a few weeks ago (a Mercedes Benz rear-ended my car on the freeway after all the cars in front of me and I suddenly stopped at an interchange) and got whiplash. I have been seeing a chiropractor twice a week for my back and neck since then, and I have at least another week of treatment to go. Last week, the doctor said I could try working out again and to let him know if I get any flare-ups. I had asked my boot camp instructor Matt if I could “freeze” my paid 6-week membership until the doctor said I was ready to return, but he said I would have to pay for another month’s membership and then could make up the missed time after that. I hope his offer is still good by the time I’m ready! My goal is to go back this week or next week. I’ve been aching to go back and in that time managed to convince one of my coworkers to join. I have also been trying to persuade a few others to get on it as well! The problem is we all work long hours, and the boot camp times are not that favorable to our schedules. They normally work from 8:30-9:30am to 6:30-7:30pm.  I normally work from 10-11am to 7-9pm (and I commute 40-60 mins each way).

Newest gym rat in the fam

Summer has started…for my little sister who’s in high school, that is. Her plans for the summer are to find a job and to get fit. One of her good friends became really toned after joining the gym less than a year ago, and this inspired her. My sister is very athletic (tennis captain and softball player) but, in my opinion, eats too much junk food such as chips (Hot Cheetohs, Takis, Turbos Flamas), Mexican food, and sweetened drinks (Thai tea and milk tea with tapioca pearls, Starbucks Frappuccinos). I received an e-mail from my gym with a Memorial Day deal to add a family or friend to my membership for $24.99 with no initiation fee, so I brought her in and got her signed up. We worked out together with a bit of cardio on the treadmill to warm up and then a TRX workout. When I’m not able to go to the gym, our other sister takes her. Our other sister joined a few months ago since she has a good friend who’s a personal trainer there. We go together after work sometimes (less often than we should), but we try to keep fit by also running and hiking outdoors.