Workout update

I started a new boot camp class yesterday. I haven’t really worked out in the past 8+ months since my back injury. On top of that, I just recovered from the flu (I had to take two days off last week, just after the holiday)…so within the first ten minutes of the workout, I felt exhausted and dizzy. I had to sit through a good chunk of the class, but I was able to rejoin for the ab workout at the end. When I got up, I realized there was a piece of chewed up gum stuck on my butt. Fun.

All in all, I probably worked out for 20-25 minutes. I went back to work and within hours, my body started feeling sore which continued throughout the next day (today). The new boot camp spot is pretty relaxed…almost too relaxed to the point of being disorganized. They don’t have stations to help keep you moving along with each set of exercises, and the instructor doesn’t keep count or keep track of what’s going on. The venue is also smaller than the previous one I went to and they make you run laps around the block to warm up.

By the way, a warning about boot camp classes…make sure you fully understand what you are committing to before you sign up! You can be stuck on a totally ridiculous contract, like my coworker was with the previous place I went to. They convinced him to do the 12-month contract at a lower monthly price than a month-to-month, and now that he wants to cancel early to save money, they are charging him $350 upfront (based on how many months completed, not how many months left. How whack is that!). I ended up quitting that boot camp because of other shady things I noticed — insensitive language used in marketing campaigns, vague wording and communication about actual pricing of plans, and the fact that they wouldn’t let me freeze my plan after I was injured in the car accident and my chiropractor advised me not to work out until I let my back recover for a few weeks. The workouts there were great, but I was EXTREMELY turned off by the way they do business. Hence, I moved on and tried The Dailey Method, which is low impact, and now this new boot camp spot for a more intense workout.

Today, I just went to the gym in the office building during my late lunch hour (5pm) and did some cardio. I listened to some music while walking and running on the treadmill, and continued my current read, The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement (Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox), while on the bike.

Babe has been working out as well. He’s been going to the gym for cardio (30-45 mins) and sauna (15 mins). He’s also been low-carbing it (last weekend, we went to the Asian supermarket and he got himself some lap xuong, longanisa, and lemon citron tea). We grilled up some sriracha BBQ chicken, Korean beef short ribs, and veggies (zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, tomato, onion, garlic) on Saturday night and had leftovers on Sunday.

My current weigh-in: 126 lbs

His current weigh-in: 235 lbs

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