Coconut oil coffee

Add 1 tbsp of coconut oil to your cup of joe for extra richness, an extra energy boost, and to help you curb your appetite. The coconut oil boosts your metabolism, plus the fat keeps you full until your next meal.

Coconut oil is made up of MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides). The main advantages of MCTs include:

  • Absorbed quickly by the body (digestion) and quicker to use for immediate energy.
  • Enhances ketone production which have therapeutic (energy, cognitive) and nitrogen retention (protein sparing) advantages.
  • Increase energy expenditure and metabolic rates.
  • Reduce hunger/suppress appetite.

Additional tips:

  • If you don’t like the oiliness or if you do like a lot of froth, mix it together in a blender.
  • For sweetness or extra flavor, add a bit of vanilla and Stevia.
  • For creaminess, add a pat of unsalted grassfed butter.

You can find high quality coconut oil at Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, Vitamin Shoppe, and online. See this article from Evolving Wellness for tips on choosing a good coconut oil: